Alpha Mask Striker
Level Design
Settings: Area 1 - Downtown Invasion
Area 2 - Mystic Rooftops
Area 3 - Alien Territory (Interior)
- Familiarize the player with the main characters movement and basic techniques
- Offer a gameplay segment that introduces the rules of gameplay and give the player a taste of what the gameplay experience will be like.
- Show the player different types of pickups and how they can be used
- Introduce the Alien threat, firstly with the underlings. Easy to defeat.
- Offer a round of play that is easy to complete
- Allow players to discover the value of secret areas, rewarding them for exploration with upgrades and power-ups.
1. To offer an opening that is exciting and draws the player to the game
2. To hook the player with fun gameplay, so they desire to continue and accept the challenge of eliminating the alien threat.
Map Design
Simple and straightforward until eventually branching out to multiple pathways for the player to choose. No death pits or difficult challenges. Introduce mechanics in a safe environment for the player to learn at their own pace, then add more danger as the player progresses.
Walkthrough Screenshots
- Each screenshot will have a circled number, the numbers indicate the general area shown on the next screenshot.
Downtown is a city filled with skyscrapers, many areas of the city are on fire. Nearby UFO's can be seen flying around and blasting buildings in the background.
The level begins with the main character landing in a cool pose after jumping from a building. The player then gains control and can progress forward to learn how to perform various actions. Tutorials will appear as button prompts with an image on the hud and will not stop the gameplay. The first couple of jumps don't pose any danger, if the player falls they can simply jump back up. |
Progress down the path, learning how to double jump and melee attack along the way. The melee attack tutorial will have breakable objects for the player to destroy. |
The player reaches the first branching pathway, they can continue to the left where they will learn how to dash and pick up their first health and armor pickup as well as advance through the game. There is a secret off to the right, jump across platforms to reach the top of a building where a treasure chest awaits. They can then jump off of the building and back to the branching pathway. |
The player reaches their first large combat area, teach the player how to switch between Haste and Strike Style. Teach player how to shoot and aim. The first instance of alien enemies will appear, once they are defeated, teach player about alien lockdowns. They cannot progress beyond the green alien door until the nearby alien threat has been eliminated. |
4A & 4B (Top Down View)
The center area is where the player just first encountered the aliens. In order to progress forward they must explore alternate paths and defeat the aliens in other locations. Once the player has defeated all of the enemies the alien door will be shown opening, showing the player they can now progress forward. |
After going through the alien door the player reaches an area where they are shown alien UFO's abducting humans in the distance, directing the player towards the large mothership. Upon dropping down they can find 3 pathways to follow, pickups are located on the right, while a secret tunnel is on the left. To progress they must enter the narrow alleyway (6) shown in the screenshot, jump across balconies and avoid falling into the city flames down below. |
5A ? Route
If the player goes left they will find a secret tunnel that they can walk through to get to an area with some minor platforming. Moving platforms and elevating platforms can be found here. After jumping up to the higher area aliens will appear on the floating platforms. After taking care of them the player can take a route that leads them to a treasure chest and back to the area in screenshot 5. |
After jumping across balconies the player lands on the top of a building where flying aliens will attack from the front and the sides. After dealing with them, the player can jump onto a balcony near a large window to be able to jump over to the next part of the level. |
The last part of Downtown Invasion consists of a combat arena with many different heights and elevations to tackle the various aliens that will be inhabiting the location. They can take the high ground that loops around itself, they can cross the bridge and jump to the various platforms around the area. They can also fall below to locate a passageway that leads to a jump pad that helps the player get back up to where they fell from. If the player falls to the alternate passageway they can find a secret tucked away in a corner behind a destructible wall. After defeating the aliens the player can progress up the stairs to reach the city rooftops. |
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