Friday, 13 October 2017

Some Silhouettes, Sketches and a change of direction

I've started to mock up some silhouette studies for Bean the Clown. When drawing them I thought about Bean's personality, and how I could showcase his character through an appealing shape. I also did two quick drawings on what he could possibly look like.


However I don't think I'm heading in the right direction here. I enjoy working in unreal engine, not spending hours on sketching and silhouettes. So i'm going to take a step back from how to properly design a character and focus more on how to produce an RPG in Unreal Engine. Focusing on stuff like existing RPG mechanics, industry practices and decisions and level design. I can't stay motivated if I'm not having fun.

When it comes to designing characters, I will quickly design them how I want, get them down on paper and then use the drawings to as reference to create assets for use in engine. I'm not going to worry about industry practice because character design isn't what I want to get into. I want to get into Game/Mechanic/Level Design as that's what I'm interested in.

My next post will focus on using design practices to develop a prototype. Hopefully after that I can get into the rhythm of things and start showing development of a prototype.

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